Friday, April 15, 2005


Well, I thought since I hadn't posted in a day or so, that I should post something. But then I realized that I don't have anything to post. I don't have anything to talk about. My day is pretty boring so far. And nothing else comes to mind. So, this will be a very short post. About nothing.
Oh nothing, nothing.
Nothing at all.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Last but not least, for today, this is Luke and I on our camping trip to Pismo last year. We had fun. His hair was still long and curly. Posted by Hello

This is me a couple summers ago. Well, most of me, part of the picture was cut out. Nice tan. I just wanted to post this picture cause it's the only one of me not wearing makeup that I don't look horrible. Posted by Hello

This is me and Jules as Lunette and Molly from the Big Comfy Couch. Ain't that cute? Posted by Hello

Just look at that face!!! Posted by Hello

This is Jules doing "the monkey." One of those kid things that are cute cause they can't do much.  Posted by Hello

Here's a blurry one of Jules when she was probably just barely two. You can see her beautiful curls in the picture, that's why I'm showing it here. Gorgeous. Posted by Hello

This is Jules again when she was a baby. She was such a funny lookin' kid! Look at those eyes....aaaahhhh.... Posted by Hello

This is me and Jules when she was a baby. Here again, are the pig tails. It's so funny. Posted by Hello

This is Jules when she was just a baby. I used to put her hair up in tiny pig tails. Everyone said she looked like Jim Carey on In Living Color when he did that girl in the bikini. Posted by Hello


So, I was really bored last night. I found myself rummaging through old boxes and stuff I hadn't looked at in quite some time. Came across some old pictures. And some not so old ones. Thought I'd share them with my reader. (I figured that since Luke is probably the only person on here who reads my blog, it wouldn't matter what I posted.) Enjoy.
If you do not know me, feel free to enjoy as well.
Love me.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

MEET CLOCKY. Posted by Hello


Clocky, An MIT Media Lab Research Project
Profile By Gauri Nanda, Research Associate

Clocky is, quite simply, for people who have trouble waking up.

When the alarm clock goes off and the snooze button is pressed, Clocky will roll off the bedside table and wheel away, bumping mindlessly into objects on the floor until it eventually finds a spot to rest. Minutes later, when the alarm sounds again, the sleeper must get up out of bed and search for Clocky. This ensures that the person is fully awake before turning it off. Small wheels that are concealed by Clocky's shag enable it to move and reposition itself, and an internal processor helps it find a new hiding spot every day.

I don't like being told when to wake up but I've come to terms with the idea that I have to. In designing Clocky, I was in part inspired by kittens I've had that would bite my toes every morning. Clocky is less of an annoying device as it is a troublesome pet that you love anyway. It's also a bit ugly. But its unconventional look keeps the user calm, and inspires laughter at one of the most hated times of the day.

I've been known to hit the snooze bar for up to two hours or even accidentally turn it off. I've known people who put the alarm clock in the living room, but then forget to set it before going to sleep. Others say they are trying to wean themselves off of snoozing, as if it was a bad habit like smoking or drinking. In the foggy logic of our drowsiness, we disable the very device that is meant to wake us up. Having the alarm clock hide from me was just the most obvious way I could think of to get out of bed.

Clocky is not trying to solve all of the problems of alarm clocks—for example how they disrupt other people in the room—but I think maybe someday it can. I think the answer rests in the usage of multiple Clockies. Let's say there are two people with different sleep schedules sharing a room. Maybe one person's Clocky can tell the other to hush up if it has sounded off one too many times. Or, maybe they can form an alliance and simultaneously target the offending over-sleeper. I have adopted the philosophy that when two devices communicate, they can solve more problems—that is, two Clockies are better than one.

I hate it when that happens......

I am so relaxed. Sitting on the porch of a cute little white house lined with red brick and drinking tea in the cool of the summer evening. I think I am reading a book. I see friends. Friends and people I haven’t seen in years. Everyone is here. We are chatting about the “good ol’ times.” I am so happy to have everyone so close to me. I begin to walk about in the yard, when all of the sudden, a gopher creeps out from a bush. It sees me, stops for a moment, and then without notice, begins charging at my feet. I run. I run so fast I can’t keep up with my legs. I fall. The ground does not catch me. I continue to fall when finally I am caught by a pile of sand. I am in a desert. But it is not hot, it is very cold, I take two steps and then I am at my high school. How wonderful, I think. I see my principal, only it is not really my principal, it is Vanna White. I wonder, when did Vanna White become principal of my school? I say hello and she tells me to get to class. Oh man, math. So, I head to my math class and I see my teacher, who’s face is that of a turtle. (I always thought he looked like a turtle) he hands me a simple test. Fractions?!?! I am horrible with fractions. No, I can’t do this. I run from the class and am nabbed by security. “Where ya headin’ Ms. Roach Inn?” (I hate when they say my name wrong.) I took one look at the face of the security guard and I had to run. He was scarred and bleeding. He scared me. I ran out into the quad and apparently it was some kind of celebration. There was loud mariachi music and everyone was dancing. There were bright colors everywhere. It was beautiful in its own way. I see my friends. Everyone is here. I am happy. I am dancing. Then all of the sudden, a loud buzzing sound echoes through the quad. The people are disturbed. Everyone is rushing around trying to scatter. It sounds as if it is some kind of alarm that would sound in a world emergency. I begin to run for shelter, only I do not know where to go. I find my daughter who has happened upon the quad, and Luke is there with me now. We are trying to find where the source of this noise is coming from so we can figure out what we need to do. Luke picks me and Juliana up in his arms. (He was so strong and burly.) He takes us and he is running. He brings us to a tall building and tells us to go inside. I see him running throughout this huge yard seeking the source of this sound. The noise is so loud that I do not hear my daughter crying right next to me. I turn to her, she has skinned her knee. I yell for Luke but he cannot hear me. “LUKE! LUKE!” I am shouting as loud as I can. The sound of the buzzing drowns me out. Finally, he comes to my side. “We must go home,” he says. So, we went. We had dinner, and played Candyland. I was so frustrated because I couldn’t hear myself think over the loud sound that was still omitting overhead. I finally decided that I would find the stupid thing that was making so much noise and I would figure a way to turn it off. I am running frantically to find the source. I am frustrated and sweaty. I am so angry because every time I think I am near it, I do not find it and it seems to have traveled to a whole different location. I scream at the top of my lungs, “TURN IT OFF!!!!” By this time, I am entirely pissed because it has been going on for some time now, and although at times I have been able to ignore it, it is as if it is getting even louder now. “WHERE IS IT, DAMMIT?! WHERE IS IT?” With no luck on finding the source, I finally give up on my search and decided to try and get some sleep. But, how was I going to get any sleep with all this flippin’ noise going on?!
And then it hit me. That’s exactly it! I am not supposed to sleep.....I am supposed to WAKE UP!
So, I rolled over and turned off the alarm clock.
I hate it when that happens.

The dreaded cause of my frustration.... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


So, Luke is teasing me because we were arguing about our eyes. I do want to mention that the whole subject came up because I was told by the hostess at Plaza Ventana that I had “the most beautiful eyes.” Yes, I was complimented, not Luke.
But, I figured that since he’s giving me such a hard time, I would leave it up to you, fellow bloggers, to be the judge.
And yes, I did scream “I love you....Luke, I love you...” from the car. It was great. And he was embarrassed.

YOU BE THE JUDGE........ Posted by Hello

Ahhhh.....ain't he cute? Posted by Hello



I want to apologize for the foul language set forth in the previous posts. I used the word "crap" twice and the word "hell" as well. If this has offended you, I am very sorry. If you do not know me, or do not know me well enough, then I must seem like some crude, blunt and disgusting person, but really I am not all that bad. Yes, I am blunt, and a little rude and disgusting, but that is not the root of my personality.
As I was reading my previous posts, I thought to myself, "These people must think I am absolutely crazy. One moment I am spouting love notes and sweet thoughts of my wonderful boyfriend and then next I am talking about my bowel-movements in the morning." I don't blame you. I am a little twisted. But, overall I am a good person. So, I don't eat vegetables and I am a little forward, that doesn't make me a criminal or a mean person. I really am a sweetheart once you get to know me. I just say it like it is.
So, in the event you read this blog and think ill of me, then I am sorry.
I'm sorry you are so stupid.
Have a nice day.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

This has nothing to do with my post this morning, but I like it, so I'm posting it on here.  Posted by Hello


Today is a wonderful day. No, not really. It's just a normal day. But I thought I would start out today's blog with something happy and refreshing. Not much has transpired today as it is just 9:40 a.m., but I shall set forth my activities of this Tuesday morning thus far.
Upon wakening from the couch this morning breifly after 3:00 a.m., I realized that I would much rather enjoy the next few hours of my sleep on my comfy bed rather than my comfy couch. So, I sluggily moved my way past my five year old daughter who had come from her bed to join me on the couch, gently tugged at her shirt and told her to get in my bed. I wasn't going to fight with her so early in the morning (or late in the night, depending on how you look at it.) Upon returning to my bed, I realized that I hadn't set my alarm, so once again, I sluggily walked to the other side of the room, set my alarm and then fell back into my bed. It was cold. I placed the covers over my head and fell asleep. Two minutes later, my alarm clock went off. Well, actually, it was two hours, but it felt like two minutes. Don't you hate when that happens?
Anyways, I must have hit the snooze button eight times before actually getting up because it wasn't until 7:00 a.m. that I starting dressing. I stumpled to the shower, rinsed, shampooed, conditioned and soaped up and then rinsed again. I was in and out in about 2½ minutes. I sang "Hey, Hey we're the monkey's" ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫
After I showered, I applied my mask, I mean, my makeup and then dressed and blowdryed and styled my hair. I then woke up my five year old, who was in a crum crum crummy mood and dressed her and combed and styled her hair as well. After getting in my car, I realized that I had left my cell phone in the couch cusions after my early morning couch nap, so I returned to the apartment to retreive it. No missed calls. Nobody loves me.
As I drove to the grandma's house to drop off the five year old, I listened to Y101, Today's station for all the hits. I tried to win a family-four pack of disneyland tickets by answering some disney trivia about The Little Mermaid. I couldn't remember Prince Eric's advisor's name. (it was Grimsby) They gave it to a girl who didn't know the answer either. She said, "Wasn't it Prince Eric's butler or something....I don't remember his name." And they gave it to her anyway. Well, hell, I knew that, GEEZ. Anyways. It kind of perturbed me that they gave it away to someone who didn't even have the answer, but I figured oh well, I just went to Disneyland anyway.
So, I dropped off my kid, and drove to work. Talked to my boyrfriend a few times on the phone and then arrived at the sweatshop. I worked a little, checked my email, worked some more, chatted with my grandma, worked some more, checked my email again, worked some more, took a crap break and now I am sitting here creating this boring post for my blog. My crap was nice and healthy though. Made me feel refreshed.
Have a wonderful day!!
Signing off.

Friday, April 01, 2005


I kind of want to blog about how I am jealous of Luke’s blog, but I don’t want to him to take it the wrong way. You see, I am not jealous because his blog is better than my blog because of his blogging abilities. It has nothing to do with that. It’s not because his blog is more clever or more quick witted or even the fact that his blog has been viewed by more bloggers than my blog. I am jealous of his blog because it seems to have taken my place. Ok, maybe I’m going overboard. It hasn’t completely taken my place, but it could very well lead up to that. What do I do? Just stand here and let myself be run over by some blog? I think not! I must think of something. Something bloggier than that blog. How can I win him back? I am no competition to his blog. And, if that’s not bad enough, I am not even competing with just one blog, there is now another blog in the picture. Blogging on blogging? No!!! It can’t be. Why, God? WHY????