Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Luke says that I am devoting too much time to MySpace and not enough time to my blog. So, he told me to blog about it. Well, that's all fine and dandy, but I really don't want everyone reading my space at myspace. I'm very unreserved on there and I like that. My cousins and I all mess with each other and leave mean comments but it's all in play. If other people read my space, and weren't aware of our sick humor, they would think we all had problems. And I don't want people to think that. Plus, if I thought I might have sensitive readers, I may not be as open as I want to. So, I will tell you that I like MySpace a lot. I have a lot of friends and family that are on there, and it is my personal opinion that EVERYONE should have a MySpace.

(Also, I have found many a friends from old times that I have since been able to communicate with. It's nice to see familar faces in such a large internet world.)

The end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie,
I was just passing by and saw you web site, so I stayed for a bit, jumped around Luke's site too, and thought that I should say hello!
So there it is! Hello! Also, We have a new email address, it is pacemade4@sbcglobal.net, Email me so I have your address!
Talk to ya soon!
love ya
K.P. (Karen)

9/23/2005 12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

myspace trackermyspace trackermyspace trackermyspace tracker

2/03/2007 5:32 AM  

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