Thursday, July 28, 2005


Today was another laugh fest at the office. I love it when that happens. You see, working in a law office, you tend to come across some very unusal names. Usually they are just weird or hard to pronounce, but every once in a while, you get those really funny ones that lead to mass hysteria. Today, it was having to call the Law Office of HURLBUTT, CLEVENGER, & LONG. I had to call the office and the poor secretary had to answer the phone just like that. "HURLBUTT, CLEVENGER and LONG, how can I help you?" Ha Ha!! Poor girl.

And if you think that's bad, last year my grandma (who works with me, by the way) and I couldn't stop laughing for a week when we had to deal with an IRS agent with the name of, and no I'm not kidding, DICK ASSBURGER!!!

HA HA....anyways. I just about have tears streaming down my face right now. I took the Abstract with the Hurlbutt, Clevenger and Long header on it and jokingly asked one of the other girls here if she knew how to pronounce it. She had a client in there and she said it out loud and they both cracked up. Then I called my aunt Dena who works for another Law Firm here in Fresno and said in a high pitched, whiny voice, "Hi, this is Cindy from HURLBUTT, CLEVENGER and LONG..." and she was like, "Uh-huh..." I heard a whimper and then I finally let it out that it was me. She started cracking up so hard!!! HA HA....anyways. Maybe it's one of those "you had to be there" kind of things. But it was flippin' hilarious.

Ok. Hope you at least had a giggle.


Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

That is pretty funny hunny. I knew a Hurlbutt in high school, but no Assburgers though. My mom worked on a rather large lady named Tiny Sidebottom.

8/05/2005 9:08 AM  

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