Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I'm living in a CONDO?

Okay, this may not be a very big deal to anyone else, but I just found out that my nifty, two bedroom apartment is actually a condo. Or rather, they were built as condos and once privately owned, until some lawyer shmuck came from the bay area and bought everybody's homes from them. (Apparently, he must have been able to offer them more than just fair market value to get all eight of them to move out.) Anyways, it makes total sense. I mean, my apartment IS just like a little house. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, washer dryer hookups, fireplace, separate little dining nook and everything. Not to mention, it's also like 1,200 square feet. So, I'm all excited now cause I can say I live in a "Condo." It makes me want to say it all snooty and stuff, like, "Yes, I live in a Condo, mmm hhmmm." Like one of those rich people who wear dead animals around their necks.

Ha ha. That reminds me of the 2nd Ace Ventura Movie where Ace knocks out that guy who looks like the monopoly man and puts him in his shoulders and parades around the room like he was a fur of some sort, singing, "la da da da deee, la da da da daaaaiiiiiiiiii." Hee hee...that was funny.....maybe I can find a picture of that......

Anyways, I have to go now....too good for this blog now cause I live in CONDO.... hehe.


Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

Sorry to dash your hopes honey, but the only difference between a Condo and an apartment is that you own a Condo privately, lots of buildings that were originally built as apartments end up being condos and vice versa, so, no, you can't really say you live in a condo.

7/21/2005 10:10 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

Well, then I can say, I live in what once used to be a condo. That works. Same thing. I just wanted to be snooty a little. Oh well.

7/21/2005 1:50 PM  

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