Monday, July 11, 2005


It’s been five days since my last entry. I wanted to post, but couldn’t think of anything interesting to write about. So, in a fetal attempt to please my reading audience, I called my mother. I told her I wanted to write something humorous, abstract and yet true. She poured out event after event after event that I could write about. I didn’t know where to start. I first contemplated making a series entitled, “WHITE TRASH FAMILY TALES,” but then opted not too, as it might be too much. So, I’m going to lay out the telephone conversation as it went down, and then maybe elaborate at the end of each section. If you know me by now, then understand it may get a little hefty..... Okay, here goes:

(I decided I’m going to split them up to add graphics.)

“Hmm, lemme, you could tell them about when you guys were little and we were too poor to go camping, so we’d let you guys set up the tent in the front yard.” (And yes, we did this quite often, actually. Our friends would even come over and we’d have two or three tents in the front yard, with out flashlights and sleeping bags. It was quite fun!)


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