Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Ok, so slowly but surely I am losing all of my friends. This is pretty sad to me. I am usually the type of person who keeps friends over the course of many, many years. I keep in touch with almost everyone I once knew or befriended. I’ll start from here.

First, their was AC. Now, AC and I are actually still friends, she just lives a couple hundred miles away. She has also become very deep in her church and that has become her life. We will talk every once in a while, but it’s definitely not the same as it used to be. Then, there is JP. JP and I are actually still friends, but she also lives a couple hundred miles away in the other direction. We only talk every great once in a while. She is married so that takes a lot of her time as well. Now, to add to that list of those who are still technically my “friends” but live on the other side of the earth, or state, there is JD, CT and DT. Other than email transmissions with JD every once in a while, I hardly talk to any of them anymore. Then there was BD and VD. I got really close with BD and VD in the last couple years. BD was pretty much my best friend. Well, they both just moved to Hawaii!! So, everyone is freakin’ leaving me!! I can’t believe it. Then there’s GW, who I could go on about for hours. She has been lost permanently. No, she’s not dead, but heading there slowly. Drugs have gotten the best of her. She was my best friend for years on end, and I have watched her slowly decay. I stopped watching a while ago. And then, the most shocking of them all: MG. MG has been my right hand man, my buddy, my big o’ dirty man for years and years and years. And now I am losing him too. And I fear that it is the same cause as was with GW. But this time, I will not watch. I cannot watch. Not him. Not again.
So, now I am left with only my boyfriend, who is a great friend, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not quite the same. I’ve met a new friend. KT, who I’ve actually known for a while but I just started hanging out with her. I think she might be a little too crazy for me. She likes to party a lot and that just isn’t my thing. But she’s fun to hang out with. I don’t know. Other than KT, I have EB, but she’s got 5 kids and a husband. No time for me. Other than her, well, there’s CC, but she lives pretty far out there, and we are so different. We could hang out, but I don’t think it would last very long. Lets see, is there anybody I am missing? No. That’s about it. I have a few others that are like CC, who I could probably hang out with for a few days and then finally go our separate ways. I don’t have that one that can finish your sentence and know exactly what you mean when your words get jumbled.
The only one I have left is my daughter, JR, who is only 5, and my cousin AC, who will be barely 12 in September. Now, AC is totally fun, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes I just need an adult. This sucks. I have totally vented here, and no one knows who the heck any of these people are. Except Luke, he probably knows who most of them are.
Honey, this sucks!!! I feel like a little kid in a new school. I don’t have any friends. I guess maybe this is God’s way of slowing me down. Making my life less clamorous. Maybe I should make him my new best friend.
That’s probably what it is.
It still kind of sucks though.
That’s all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i'm in a story woo hoo you rock nat!!!

7/05/2005 2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how you doin'

7/05/2005 2:12 PM  
Blogger Natalie said...

WAZZZUPPP girl!!! I'm so glad you read my blog biznitch!!! I am totally gonna tell the "I hate this place" story now!!! HA HA HA

7/05/2005 4:26 PM  

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