Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I don't have anything important to write, but I felt like posting, so this will probably be a boring post. My friend, B spent the night last night. It was fun. She's a goof. We laughed for hours. It was nice to have her there. She'll be leaving, lucky girl, for Hawaii in 19 days now. Her husband, V has already left, and from what I've talked to him, it seems like he is having a great time. They are on permanent vacation. How nice. V said that Monday, while scuba diving for training, that he spotted an octopus, a shark, some dolphins and a sea turtle. That would be frickin' awesome. Talk about "swimming with the sharks." Next time I see them, they are both going to be super tan. Must be nice. I think I am going to go up there in February or March like I had originally planned. Maybe I'll take a friend or something, but more than likely, I'll go alone. But I have two friends over there, so I'll still have a blast.
Lets see....what else? My daughter is at work with me today. My mom went in to get her test results from the ultrasound. She has had trouble with her stomach for a couple years. We are hoping it's not anything major. I'm sure it's not. But, part of me is a little frightened. Well, at least we'll know now. I think if it were anything major, they would have told her as soon as they got the results back, but they've waited until her regular appointment, so I don't think it's anything they can't fix.
Well, like I said, this would be a boring entry.
I leave you, above, with pics of Hawaii. I wish I was there right now. That would be fabulous.


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