Thursday, May 19, 2005


I understand that some of you may be wondering why I decided to continue posting after I had given up and said goodbye. Please, let me explain......

It all started yesterday. It was a normal day, nothing exciting transpired. I made a decision about ending my blog and then I said goodbye. But, it was not meant to be. It was as if the earth was telling me, “you must continue blogging, child, you cannot end it this way....It is too soon.....”

Set forth below are the events that took place proceeding my decision to quit blogging.

It was a warm spring day. The sun was bright and beating on my skin as I drove with my windows down through Shaw Avenue. I was driving home from work listening to a local radio station when all of the sudden my tire blew out. My front tire. I tried to steer my vehicle as it quickly spun out of control. Across the road, fishtailing and weaving in and out of the divider. Finally it came to a stop. Right in the middle of oncoming traffic. I sat there in amazement, trying to catch my breath, when all of the sudden, an SUV came headed directly for me. I heard the breaks hit; I watched the vehicle swerve, trying to avoid me, but instead, it rolled over and began a very large collision. Vehicle upon vehicle upon vehicle. One after the other. As a chain reaction. And I was in the middle. I don’t remember much after that.

The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital. I was hooked up to a machine. I couldn’t feel my legs or arms. I realized that they were just asleep and began slowly moving them about. I heard a ruckus going on. Screaming. At first I thought maybe it was a woman in labor. But then I heard another voice. And another and another. Everyone was screaming. And it sounded as if they were running. Pomp pomp pomp pomp. The sound echoed through my head which was in immense pain from the trauma I had experienced earlier. I reached over and unplugged myself from the machines. Something was wrong here. I was scared. I stood up, weak in my knees and proceeded to the door of my room. My door was locked. I couldn’t seem to open it. I walked to the other side of the room to a small window. I looked through the glass and saw a horrific sight. A woman. At first she looked normal. A pretty girl once, with sandy blonde hair and what seemed like a gorgeous body. But there was something terribly wrong with her. She looked.....dead. She walked slowly and calmly towards the window where I stood. I stepped back. This wasn’t right. One by one they came. I thought to myself, “this can’t be happening....zombies don’t exist.” But, boy was I wrong. A thousand zombies there must have been. There were hospital staff and patients alike. All infected. I was so scared. But, luckily, they couldn’t seem to get in my room. I saw an air vent and decided to go for it. I was afraid to stay where I was. I wasn’t sure how long the door would hold. So, I pushed my hospital bed under the air vent, climbed up and crawled my way through the vent. (Luckily, this was a large vent and very sturdy, too.) I could hear people screaming and I was so scared. The air vent reached an end. It was the basement. I slowly exited the vent. I did not hear any zombies or people around. I tiptoed through the basement towards what looked like an exit. I tried to open the door but it was solid. Slowly, the door opened and there stood a man. Not a zombie. A man. (He could have been a zombie according to his looks, but I could tell he was not infected.) He introduced himself, “Come in, hurry!! I am Dr. Jax.” I closed the door behind me and latched it. I finally felt safe. I cried.
“How did you escape?” He asked. I told him about the vents. And although I thought him a seemingly normal person, all of the sudden my impression of him changed.
He turned around slowly....”No one was supposed to escape,” he said with an anger in his eye. “I am the only one supposed to live. And now, I must take care of this situation.” He came towards me. I was so scared. I begged him for my life, “Please, don’t do this.” He went on to tell me about his plan. He created a zombie virus to wipe out mankind. He also created a huge bomb that would release an antidote into the air so that all of the zombies would then parish and he could rule the earth. His plan was horrific. How could he kill all these innocent people? But he was starved for power. I knew I was going to die. He came at me. But before he reached me, out of nowhere, a sudden blast came through the metal door. “Come with me!” a voice shouted. I could not see the face of my rescuer. But I trusted his voice. A hand reached out and I took it. I ran with the stranger for what felt like an eternity in the empty basement. We proceeded to an armored car. I finally saw his face. It was glorious. “Hello, havin’ a bad day?” He asked. I smiled. He was so handsome. “My name is Lucas. I used to work with Dr. Jax. Until I found out about his plan. I realized that he was smart enough and powerful enough to complete it so I began making plans of my own.”
“If you knew what he was doing, why were you here?” I asked him, curious.
“I came to blow up his protection. That room is the only place that is strong enough to survive the blast. The bomb has been set on a timer. He will die in the blast. I was going to leave, but I heard a voice. You. I’m glad I got there on time.”
“Me too.” I replied.
“We have two hours,” he said with conviction.
“I have built a submarine that will keep us safe from the blast and we can stay there for a day or two until everything clears up. The chemicals from the blast only last for twenty four hours. We just have to make it to the marina in time.”
He drove fast. I had never been in a vehicle that was driven at such an extreme speed. It was, in a way, exciting, and also very terrifying. Due to the recent rash of zombie outbreaks, the roads were pretty clear of traffic. But, they were heavily bombarded with empty vehicles. The fast, swervy drive made me sick and I vomited.
We arrived at the marina with eight minutes to spare. There were zombies all around, but Lucas had them all taken care of. He had designed a special weapon that would emit a super high frequency sound wave that would kill any zombies within about 100 feet. Apparently, once deceased, your brain becomes very sensitive to high frequency sounds. We got into the submarine and entered the dark, deep ocean just in time. We heard and felt the blast. The ocean rocked and I became sick again. The waters did not start to calm for almost an hour.
Finally they calmed and Lucas and I went to sleep.
When we woke up, I found myself at peace with Lucas. He was a very strong, sexy man. I couldn’t have asked for a better rescuer.
We stayed there another day, in the submarine. It was then I realized that we were the only ones left. Lucas and I.
We would have to repopulate the world and we had work to do.
We left the submarine early the following morning. (After trying our hands at the repopulation thing a few times.)
The earth was different. There was a smell in the air and a darkness about it. It was then I realized.....the most important thing of all.....

I could not let this day go undocumented. I could not let the world forget. I must record what happened. And also what will happen from here on out. I must record my daily events. Although they may not seem important to me at the time, they may do the world a favor in the future.

So, I therefore, make a vow. To always blog, not matter what. I cannot let down my future descendants. I must continue to blog. It’s a matter of life and death.

So, that is the reason I have decided to not stop blogging.

Now, I must go.....I’ve got a world to populate!

*Disclosure: None of these events actually took place. The characters in this story are fiction. There is no such thing as zombies and the world was not destroyed.
I just changed my mind and decided that I liked blogging no matter what people thought of it. How’s that? Still boring??


Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

No, its not boring, but it sounds an awful lot like resident evil, or 28 days later. Did you know that zombie lore is a relatively new genre of monster...I think it would be cool if zombiers attacked each other too, much more believable.

5/20/2005 2:55 PM  
Blogger Natalie said...

Thank you for that new piece of information!
I know it sounds like Resident Evil. Except for the submarine part and the whole repopulation thing.

Have you seen Resident Evil 2 yet? I've been wanting to see it, but I haven't. We should watch it together some night.

5/20/2005 4:50 PM  
Blogger Mr. Youngs said...

So, resident evil 2: the apocolypse, was pretty ok. Milla Jovavich, thats one hot chick. The news reporter lady was pretty hot too, and naked stripper zombies, nice touch!

6/02/2005 4:53 PM  

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