Wednesday, March 30, 2005

WARNING!!! Mush follows....

Ok, so I am a little sentimental today. I decided to make a post about the wonderful love in my life. I doubt he will even see this as he is so caught up in his own blog, that he will not take a peek at mine until one day in the distant future he remembers that I even had a blog and decides to see if I have done anything with it.
Well, this post is dedicated to him.
Mr. Luke Allen Youngs.
Ahhhh....just the sound of his name drives me wild. Luke, hereinafter referred to as "HLM" (Honey Lovin' Marshmallows) is the most wonderful man I have ever known. Not only does he possess all of the physical attributes that make him the man of my dreams, but he also possesses the emotional aspects and the intelligence level that make me swoon over him. HLM can make me smile without saying a word. He can make me laugh with a simple notion and can make me cry in a single moment when joy has overcome me. I know, I know, I sound like an idiot. I don't think mankind created words that could do him justice. And if they did, well, then I don't know them or can't use them correctly. So, I will use what I have to explain my love.
There are some mornings when I am so rushed and so frustrated with daily events that I can barely stand it, when all of the sudden the beat "Hey Mama" plays from my cell phone and I am relieved. And although I cannot always answer it at that particular moment, I am already pleased with the sound of his voice that I haven't even heard yet. He calls to tell me Good Morning and have a nice day. How sweet. When he looks at me, I know he loves me. And all is well.
Although this is a public sight that can be viewed by others, I am going to add something to this post that will mean something to him if he ever reads it.
Luke, the next post after the picture is the last two entries from my journal.
The dates are above the entry.
I mean it every day and every time I say it.
I love you, Luke.


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